The Center for Faith and Citizenship of
Christopher Newport University
'The General as President: Robert E. Lee as a College President'
Washington Room, David Student Union

General Robert E. Lee surrendered the tattered remnants of the Army of Northern Virginia to overwhelming Union forces under General U.S. Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865. What was then in store for Lee? Rather than just going home and ‘fading away’, he immersed himself in the training of the youth of the nation at Washington College in Lexington , VA. Mr. William Connery, who spoke at Christopher Newport University in September on President John Tyler, will talk on General Lee’s life and contributions after the Recent Unpleasantness on Saturday April 11.
William Connery
William Connery has spoken on Civil War topics from Gettysburg to Petersburg . He was born and grew up in Baltimore . He has a BA in History from the University of Maryland and a MA in Religious Education from UTS. He has written a number of articles for The Washington Times Civil War page and The Civil War Courier. He can be reached concerning speaking engagements and Historical Tours of Baltimore at
The CNU CENTER FOR FAITH AND CITIZENSHIP is a unique academic center at Christopher Newport University dedicated to the principle that religious faith has a valuable place in American public life and Western culture and deserves careful and objective study, free from corrosive cynicism.
Christopher Newport University is located in the heart of Newport News , Virginia , three hours south of Washington , D.C. , 45 minutes from the Virginia Beach oceanfront, and 20 minutes east of historic Williamsburg .
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